“Let’s look out for each other.” This picture shares a deep message.
I’m sure that when you reflect on your journey to date you will remember moments of having to take care of others and making sure of their well-being. This would be true for you too as the person being taken care of.
This could have started at an early age with your siblings, relatives or friends. Over the years our roles expand as parents, employers, leaders and so on.
We arrive at the place where we need to stop and look at this in a much bigger picture. So many individuals need support – all over the world. Your role starts with you where you are.
We are midway in the Mental Health Awareness Month. We must continue to be conscious of the impact of the current challenges on ourselves and others.
Take stock of your present environments and reach out to those who need a hand. This is applicable to you too – reach out to those in your circle or professional help if you need this.
There is always someone who will have your back. Rest in this knowledge. Take care of yourself. You are needed.
Caring for others starts with you caring for yourself. Here’s some thoughts to ponder.
– Start with your own self care keeping yourself in optimal health. Check in with yourself.
– If you need help make sure you ask for it. This is within your control.
– Keep shifting to a positive state of mind. Using affirmations will help you.
– Stay connected to others even if it’s not a physical presence you can maintain your social connection by calling others.
– Use social media intelligently.
When you do check in with others do so by asking gentle questions.
Open the doorway for a caring and helpful culture for all.
Photo credit: Guy Kopsomdut (4AMSHOWER)
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#makingadifference #nlp
#mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawarenessmonth
6 thoughts on “Let’s look out for each other”
Wonderful motivation So proud of your positive outlook and high vibrational state. Can feel your aura and we are in synchro destinylove skpather
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
We need to go global prayers and for god to save us as mankind has failed the teachings of the Bible, Gita and koran. We are in a toxic place and please vote for a party with integrity. Public schools are in a sham and educands do not have character. Education in Human values must be promoted and equality across the globe must prevail
Very well said…. I needed help and do hav some who did… But do require more help… Thank you kindly
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. You can contact us on roshini@creativewellnessconcepts.co.za for support solutions.
Thanks for thr great article!