You have to Flip the Script. You change your story.
Imagine if you just pause in the moment and instead of the negative outlook and limiting beliefs, you start looking at the perception of reality differently. Whatever you think is an obstacle will become that. You have the resources within you to change that picture. Change is possible.
If we think differently, we can change. We have a different experience.
8 Tiny Changes to Make Your Life 10 Times More Enjoyable
1. Reprogram your mind to stay positive. …
2. Set your alarm half an hour earlier. …
3. Clean up after yourself immediately. …
4. Don’t over-commit. …
5. Don’t be so predictable. …
6. Swap complaining for expressing gratitude. …
7. Stop comparing yourself to others.
8. Tackle the one thing that you’ve been putting off.
Source: entrepreneur. com
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