
Envision The Future

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A few years back, whilst I was still in the corporate world, I had purchased the Creative Visualization cards created by Shakthi Gawain. I sometimes shared this with my teams at our meetings for inspiration. I have used these for my personal  inspiration in my journey forward.  Today this one popped up for me. Vision […]


Breathe in, Exhale and Listen Up

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Breathe in, exhale and listen up here. Sometimes you just need to unplug.Rest is important. It helps with the following– better mental health– increased concentration and memory– a healthier immune system– reduced stress– improved mood– a better metabolismRest helps your body to start inner healing, bringing you into balance.How are you giving your body the opportunity […]


Together we make a Difference

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“Each one of us can make a difference. Together we make change. An individual can make a difference, but a team can make a miracle. Love and kindness are never wasted.” How will you make a difference today? Who are you joining to make this happen? Some random thoughts from me on how we can […]


Let’s look out for each other

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“Let’s look out for each other.” This picture shares a deep message. I’m sure that when you reflect on your journey to date you will remember moments of having to take care of others and making sure of their well-being. This would be true for you too as the person being taken care of.This could have […]


“I AM because We Are”

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  “I AM because we are” We are wired for connection. Imagine if you were all by yourself in this world. You would not be able to survive alone. Interdependence allows the strength to support others whilst also focusing on our own personal growth.  We have a powerful South African Nguni Bantu word that we […]